Have not really thought too much about birdsong until recently, apart from enjoying it.
I recently bought a Remembird to aid in identification of a couple of birds I'd seen at Pingewood and I'm very pleased with it.
It records in MP3 format and has dedicated software with which to upload the recordings to your PC and edit/label your recordings.
It is not highly directional, but isn't intended to be, there is now a model to which can be connected a directional Microphone for more professional recording purposes. The standard model has a high gain microphone on the front and a small low gain microphone on the side, this can be used to make audio notes alongside the recordings.
It uses a variable time recording loop (user set), so that you can store calls retrospectively by pressing the record button, very useful as birds don't seem to sing to order.
Once I've got some time, I'll start recording and uploading some calls, have only done a couple so far. Here's a link to some calls I've recorded.