This poor little chick had fallen out of it's nest and into an ally/ lane. A chap with his dogs came and asked me if I knew what to do. I He showed me where he had found it. I said don't touch it it's parents will take care of it. The parents were sitting on the telephone wire and could hear it but wouldn't go down into the lane probably because of dogs etc. I coxed it along the lane to a garden gate and it went under the gate and then the parent's went down to it in the garden. It was so tiny , smaller than a ping-pong ball and so cute very tempting to pick up but one should remember we have oil on our hands that comes off on to every thing we touch even when just washed and birds may reject their young if handled by humans so it is best not to touch baby birds and animals unless absolutely necessary.
You can also see the difference between the male and female Great Tit , The female has a thinner blue stripe