Attached is one photo of many that I took this week of Red Kites near Watlington (junction 6 M40).
I'm not happy with the results or with my lens - Canon EF 55-250mm IS. The auto-focus had repeated problems getting a lock when the kites flew over the top of trees close to me and refused to focus properly without zooming out to 55mm before zooming back to 250mm - I probably missed at least 30 "good" opportunities.
What are "good" settings in terms of speed, exposure and ISO for these type of shots? Would I have done better with a 300mm prime lens?
The EXIF data for this shot is:
aperture: f6.3
shutter: 1/320
ISO: 200
focal length: 250mm
My "reasoning" for these settings was to get as fast a shutter speed as possible but has the aperture setting shortened the depth of field too much? I also didn't use a monopod - would that have helped?
I'll post process some of the better shots and post them later. The one attached has only been cropped and hasn't been sharpened.
Comments and suggestions appreciated