I was travelling across town, changing buses in the centre, in order to go and pick something up in Caversham. Checking the weather before I left it said 'dry' but I decided to take an umbrella anyway... bloody lucky I did too!!!
As the bus made its way into town there was the most amazing sky (which I couldn't photograph as I had an appointment) - there was quite a bit of clear sky, black clouds facing me and white clouds behind which were being lit up with the setting sun.. absolutely stunning and I couldn't get off the bus!!!!!
By the time I hit the town centre to change buses, it was absolutely pelting down... three cheers for the umbrella!!!!
As I waited I saw a lightning strike just behind the station, and a wonderful double rainbow.... guess what was at the end of the rainbow? The Three Guineas Pub... the pot of gold seems to have gone rather downhill nowadays
EDITED - I added a second rain shot - not as arty, but it better shows the heavy rain