After my trek through the Jubilee Country park I sat on the low fence in the car park at the entrance from Petts Wood for about 10 minutes. I noticed some one had dumped a cage in the corner and thought why are people so untidy, then whilst resting proceeded to flick through my photos on my camera, I thought it might be a trap. Thinking no animal deserves to die in a trap I went to have a look. Well I was absolutely horrified to find the most beautiful British Blue cats with lovely copper eyes looking up at me. No way could I leave them. I phoned my son's girl friend and she phone Celia Hammond trust. They came out from Lewisham to Petts wood and took the two cats into safety. I said I thought one was unwell as it's hair was spiky. I was right, How ever they are now safe and in good hands.
I cannot understand the mentality of people who just abandon pets like this.
Here is a photo