Nice try but sorry, no
Nice try but sorry, no
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola. Has a positively beautiful summer plumage and breeds in the high Arctic tundra.
Well done Pete.
I thought of a Plover when I saw the shortish beak but wasn't sure.
Ahhhh well......but 'digdeep' hasn't pronounced me correct yet Beryl, but I think you will find he does next time he visits.
Yes I looked at the Plovers but I couldn't recognize any .They don't always show the coat they are warning in the pic you are viewing. If you catch my drift and I think some pics are good drawings and not photos when you look a bird so unless you really know it can be difficult to identify
Yes Pete, it is a: Kustpipare Pluvialis squatarola
Nice bird and a nice name. Well done again
Here is a bird, shy one
Got me there Dig, no idea.
Is it a Snow Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis ?
Female/juvenile Bearded Reedling Panurus biarmicus but sometimes or more precisely used to be called Bearded Tit and still is by most people I ever hear referring to them. Some bright spark thought of a reason to rename some species. Another one that springs to mind is the Shore Lark, now renamed Horned Lark......never heard such rubbish.
Crumbs, would never had guessed that Pete, just had a look at the photos and would presume that this one is a female?
Yes, this is the bearded one If You translate the swedish name You get Bearded.
Nice find mate
Skäggmes Panurus biarmicus
Nice picture, was it not ??
Difficult one .
Well done Pete. I have never seen one
I'm enjoying this but have to beat Beryl and Rolf to the post to get in there first......obviously a 'first come first served' situation. Good fun 'dd' please keep it up.
Yes . It is good fun .
Nice to hear that You like it , so do I
So, please take a guess
Very topical Dig, looks like a snow Bunting - Plectrophenax nivalis
Yes Rolf, very good. As we have plenty of snow this bird was perfect
Snösparv Plectrophenax nivalis
Snow and snö is the same so they have the same name in UK as in Sweden
Hope this is a little harder to find
Afraid it looks like you've picked one of my favourites Dig, a Blackcap male - Sylvia atricapilla
When 'dd' gets back to us Rolf you're going to find out you are quite correct, this is one of your favourites......the male Blackcap. A bird whose song in my opinion is one of, if not the most delightful of songs to hear, but then you have to think about the Nightingale and one or two others whose song's are something special.
Bad luck for me then
Agree with Pete about the singing, as You can hear it more often than the famouse Nightingal I think it will hold the top position
Svarthätta Sylvia atricapilla
Again same name in UK and Scandinavia Black is svart and cap is hätta !
Hmmm, this won´t be too easy I think.
Pretty sure that's a female Stonechat - Saxicola torquatus.
I'll agree with that Rolf
Well, No - and - Yes
It´s a special sort this brown beauty but I think I will give You a bigger Yes than No
Västlig svarthakad buskskvätta Saxicola torquatus rubicola
In English a Common Stone Chat ?
The Stonechat in England is apparently not the same as the one in Sweden,
Extract from the DVD Guide to British Birds
"The race S.t.rubicola occurs across most of western and southern Europe, except for in Britain, Ireland and the west coast of Portugal where the darker S.t.hibernans occurs."
So it would appear that the full name of ours would be Saxicola torquatus hibernans
So they stay here, in this lovely weather we have
Anyway, here is a new fresh not so common bird
Green Woodpecker- Picus viridis
A woodpecker it is but not the green version
Picus Canus - Grey Headed Woodpecker then.
Yes it is the gray version
Gråspett Picus canus
This bird has a very strange name in Swedish so I am looking forward to hear what You call them. This is a male (as You can see!)
Black Grouse - Tetrao tetrix
That is a better name I think
The swedish version is very strange, even for me
Rackelhane Tetrao tetrix X urogallus
Well done Chocky
Thank you dig deep
The Swedish name for this bird makes me think that You are familiar with it
Meadow Pipit - Anthus pratensis
Meadow Pippit, Vombs Ängar
Could be
Water Pipit - Anthus spinoletta
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