We were sitting in the sun at Exbury on Sunday when Glen, pointing to the far side of the pond, said, "What's that moving along the water's edge?"
I looked across and saw a small silvery 'thing' moving quickly right against the pool side. Taking out my camera, I zoomed in as far as I could and took a photo, then a video. However, I was about 25metres away, so couldn't make out what it was from looking through the lens - or viewing on the camera screen afterwards. Also, just as I started taking the video, a couple appeared near the spot where the 'thing' was - unwittingly chasing it back into the water.
When we walked round to the other side of pond afterwards, this is what we saw....
A Grass Snake, trying to camouflage himself amongst the leaves at the bottom of the pond - and had he not been seen swimming along the edge earlier, he surely would have succeeded!
(First two pics are mine. The other two are Glen's. Well, he has the posher camera, but he couldn't zoom in like I managed to with the first one without changing the lens!)