Have now added this section so that members can make their own Jigsaws and link to them in a post.
Thanks to Chocky for suggesting this.
Here's how to do it:
Join up to www.jigzone.com and upload a picture of the correct size, it must be ideally 400x300 pixels and less than 20KB in filesize.
Once you've done that, you can copy the code from the site to embed the jigsaw into a web page.
You will need your own web space and a simple HTML editor, or you can actually do it with notepad simply by saving it as a .html file.
Upload the file to your webspace and remember the file path, it might be something like _http:www/mywebspace.co.uk/files/butterfly.html , then paste the following code (but your website address) into your new thread here [iframe_]http://www/mywebspace.co.uk/files/butterfly.html[_/iframe] without the underscores in the brackets.