I think it looks like the Grasshopper Warbler too.
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I think it looks like the Grasshopper Warbler too.
So, how about this bird ?
Hard to find is it not ?
Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus
No, a friend to the family but not a Reed:)
How about a Garden Warbler - Sylvia Borin?
Well, think that I must change my answer to Chocky :-doh as this bird is a special kind of reed.
So I rest my case and print the right answer.
Busksångare Blyth´s Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum
Must be a very close relative :)
I hope that this bird is not a member in a Big family:)
Could it be a Golden Oriole (f)? - Oriolus oriolus - Crister?
Well done Catherine :thumbsup:
Sommargylling Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus
It is a summer bird in Swedish:)
Wow! Thanks, Crister! :D
I've only ever seen Golden Orioles once - one summer in France, near the German border.:)
Here is a new fresh question :thumbsup:
Could it be a ................Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos ?
No, not this one :D
Spotted flycatsher - Muscicapa striata ?
Sorry, have to say no again :014:
You are very cruel, Crister!:(
I've checked Cuckoos, Pipits, Wheatears, Larks.....
Can we please have a clue if no-one (i.e. not even Rolf) has guessed by tomorrow?:)
Think I have it. :)
Female Barred Warbler - Sylvia nisoria
Wow, looks to me like you've got it, Rolf - looks pretty close to me.
Taken me two days of pouring through photos. :)
Ah, so you took up the challenge, Rolf!:-doh Knew you would!;)
It seems to have a thicker neck and beak than the Warblers I know - and it was difficult to gauge the size of the bird in that pic.:(
Well done (in advance of Crister's confirmation of course :D)!
Yes I have to confirm - this is a Höksångare Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria
In Swedish Hawksinger :thumbsup:
Good to hear that it took some time and brain to find this one. Hope the next will be even harder :D
Think this is easier, time will tell :)
Boreal Owl - Aegolius funereus
also known as
Tengmalm's Owl, Aegolius funereus
No, it is not :)
Orange beak, black eyes and long tail, looks like a Ural Owl - Strix uralensis.
Yes it does, doesn´t it ? :thumbsup:
Slaguggla Ural Owl Strix uralensis:)
Back to Monday again and a new bird for You all !
Well, wednesday today and still not a guess ?:eek:
Or is it the summer ?:)
It looks like a Finch of sorts...
Orange-fronted Yellow Finch? - Sicalis columbiana
Well, you DID want us to try!:D
(I think this is maybe one for Rolf again!;))
Been looking at it, at first thought a finch, but then went off the idea, then revisited. Due to the chunkiness of the beak, possibly a Pine Grossbeak female - Pinicola enucleator?
Think I'd have toagree with Rolf there :)
Took You some time :D
Tallbit Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator :thumbsup:
It´s good that we have our own Sherlock here :)
This next one will be easier I am sure:)
Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
(Does it have a broken wing? It seems to be dragging its left one...:()
Thinks, 'Maybe Sherlock is having a day off now?';)
Close Catherine
but not close enough :eek::014:
Difficult these birds, so many variations, I'd go for a Citrine Wagtail - Motacilla citreola, non-breeding male.
Yes it is :thumbsup:
Citronärla Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola :)
Many look alike as Rolf said.
Good Monday :thumbsup: A new fresh question for You all.
Looks like a Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe. :)